I’ve fallen very behind on my posts. I have a few in the
wings for the next while, but instead of trying to catch-up, we’ll just erase
the spring, shall we? It wasn’t terribly
notable. I travelled quite a bit, a
garden was put in, but because spring took its sweet time arriving, and was so
late and so damp, it was a less than stellar year. The yard is normally
terrorized by unruly cucumber plants bent on world domination, but this year,
almost half my plants drowned and the rest remained demoralised even after a
turn in the weather. My tomatoes eventually flowered and fruited, but we will
head into the first frost with green tomatoes and no Greek salads.

I did a read a few books, but honestly, only a few were particularly memorable. I know we knocked off Emancipation Day for bookclub. I remember being underwhelmed and though interested in the history presented about race relations in post WWII Windsor/Detroit, I found the supporting characters mundane and the main characters unsympathetic. I also read The Girl on the Train at the behest of every newsstand kiosk, blog, best sellers list etc. Honestly, the book was hard to escape it was/is so much the rage, but, the thing is, I could have cared less about the horrible people contained within the book and the misery they caused each other. Sure, you can never truly know another person, but good grief, that is an unbelievable level of manipulation and spineless addled-mindedness. Sure, maybe the two attract one another, but I felt only relief when the book was over. Maybe I am too naïve, but there is no way I could accept the premise of this novel, let alone that such direly stupid people could function as contributing members of our society.