Tuesday, 5 August 2014

I'm Hooked

I, like most, make 'New Year' resolutions...be better with money, exercise more etc.  Like most, I start strong, then begin the self bargaining and procrastination sometime in February, and ultimately fail sometime in March.  But this year was different.  This year's resolution was something that I wanted to do.  To be quite honest, I want the security and stability of saved money, but I really like new shoes.  I also like how much better I feel, and feel I look, when I exercise (the smug self-confidence is awesome), but I have yet to have found an activity that I truly love.  Actually, this year I did sign up for ballet, which is a long standing passion, only to have the studio cancel due to lack of interest.  And that was after the humiliation of trying on and buying a new ballet leotard - way way way worse than bathing suit shopping.

Anyway, this year was different, this year I resolved to allow myself the time and space to be more creative, flex my imagination, polish my old skills and learn some new ones.  Creativity and imagination occur naturally, and while the end products (knitted things, paintings, scribbles like this) are nice, it's the process that I love.  Unfortunately, life so often was getting in the way of these activities that as a consequence, part of my brain had begun to atrophy.  I decided that the best way to zap my synapses back into action was to teach them a new trick.  I decided to learn how to crochet after years of jealously watching others, and being utterly mystified by You Tube videos.  I signed myself up for a course through The Loop in Halifax, and my amazing instructor had me 'aha!'-ing in under an hour.  For my first project, I whipped myself up some boot cuffs.

Cosy goodness!

My next project had me attempt colour changes and chevrons.

Very foxy.

Once I got some of the basics under my belt, I had the opportunity to visit with one of my besties, the lovely Elle Buckle, whose crochet skills have always been a source of envy.  With wine in hand, she walked me through her favourite granny square recipe...and I've never looked back.

Roving baby blanket.
When my husband and I escaped south during this particularly dastardly winter, I took my crochet beach side and hooked the cute-as-a-button Frankie (though we joked loudly in our lounge chairs that I was working on a banana hammock for Jeff's pool adventures).
Could you maybe just give me that treat you're holding?

Now I am rarely without a hook, and am busily making little wonders for my Etsy shop - launching after Labour Day.  But the most fabulous part about this whole process of learning has been the ignition of creativity, the motivation to try new things and the inspiration to create everyday.

I'm Hooked!!!

Truth - click to see on Etsy.

Creative Chaos



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm so excited for the launch of your shop sweetie and I love your new blog! xox

  3. Excellent job xo
