Thursday, 30 October 2014

Throwback Thursday - Halloween Edition

Halloween was always a big deal in our house.  Before we were born to the time we were around 3 and 1 respectively, my parents had raging Halloween parties of legendary proportions.  The photographic evidence of these parties show a lot of creative costumes (as well as other things that I am sure makes my elders extremely happy that they happened prior to the Internet revolution).  Back in those days, people didn't buy their costumes, they made them.  There was no Halloween Superstore or Value Village, especially not in Ucluelet, but this did not stop folks from going all out.

For our costumes, my sister and I were lucky enough that my mum had a great deal of cleverness.  Our requests generally fell on the classic side of the Halloween spectrum, but our mum did not fail to make some memorable costumes.

The Classic Halloween Jack-o-lantern:

Am I not terrifying.  Look at my scary face!


The Wicked Queen of Halloween.  Mum was not really sure what to do with this request, but I was delighted by the result.  It remained one of my favourites:
That is one smug looking queen.  And one nose-picky ghost.
The Classic Witch.  As you can see, my sister (2 years younger) ended up as a Jack-o-lantern two years after me...
Note the lack of colour on my ears. 
Pretty sure this is a direct result of orange paint coming out of my ears for days after my Wicked Queen days!

A horrible creepy crawly spider.  Probably would have been more effective with my scary face rather than a smile.
I could have only wished to be a terrifying as this dog.
I still love playing dress-up, and if there is a Halloween costume contest to be had, I do enjoy throwing my hat in the ring.  This Frida Kahlo costume did me well for a couple of years:
Say cheese, monkey.
But mostly I look forward to dressing my own little beasties in costumes one day.  Until then, Finnegan has been my guinea pig.

Doctor Whoiener
Dogtor "Bones" McCoy

Damn it Jim, I'm a dachshund, not a doctor.

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