Back on December 31, Jeff and I started our gratitude journal. The initial goal was to capture 5 things we are thankful for, everyday. So, far, Jeff has a total of 0 entries, but honestly, he doesn't need a constant reminder about positivity. I am the one that lives with anxiety and depression. It turns out that 5 can be pretty darn tricky to come up with each day. Most day look pretty similar:
Stay positive and hug your wieners. |
1) cuddle time with the wieners
2) a delicious meal
3) my amazing husband.
Numbers 4&5 can vary or can be absent all together.
Not Pretty |
But this week has provided a couple of opportunities for gratitude.
Pretty! |
1) I am thankful that we have house insurance. The snow/ice misery that has been Halifax has created a very pretty effect on the house. Beautiful ice formations have created a sculpted roof line punctuated with gorgeous icicles and f#@king ice damming.
Pretty! |
Not Pretty. |
2) I am thankful that we have the means to enjoy a concert from time to time. And, in particular, I am thankful that we decided on Dan Mangan + Blacksmith, who absolutely rocked the Rebbecca Cohen on February 18th. It was the first night of their tour and they were full of nerves, which translated into manic energy and an edge of your seat performance. Strobe lights and perfect seats, dead centre and directly in front of the soundboard, holy shit. Also, this was Dan's second time at the Cohen. The first was as part of Halifax Pop Explosion a couple of years ago, playing with the symphony. While a great show, I felt that it was a bit tentative. I've seen him use his voice to full effect, and with the symphony, I felt he was holding back. The Cohen is also a room specifically designed for full sound, and this time he filled it. The band keeps getting tighter and the addition of a trumpet gave more depth to some already deep sounds. A magnificent show.
Fancy pictures by heads in the way courtesy of someone's friend in the row in front of us not showing up. |
Nice concert - ice damage not so nice :(